27. Juni 2021

First flea market for 10 month 1. Flohmarkt seit 10 Monaten

Today I was on my first flea for 10 month or longer? seemas to be ages. It was a very mixed market with a lot of clothes and household things. But then, in the last row there was a bin unter the table, in wich I find my first Veritas item on a flea and even original blister pack. Heute war ich zum ersten Mal seit 10 Monaten auf einem Flohmarkt. Ein sehr gemischtes angebot, vor allem Klamotten und Hausrat. Aber in der letzten Reihe unter tisch ein EImer mit Holzwerkzeugen Mein erster Veritas Fund. Und Sogar noch original verpacked.

Diese Verpackung ist natürlich sehr günstig, aber blöd, wenn man die Anleitung aufheben will. Deshalb habe ich eine Sicherungskopie für alle gemacht: The packing is resource saving, but what if you want to keep the intructions? Mada a copy:  


Only one question: Since this is no longer available, will it get worthy, if I keep it untouched for another 20 years?

3 Kommentare:

  1. Unfortunately Veritas discontinues some of its better tools. The maple handled model was more expensive than the plastic version which is still available.
    I still want to find a source for this amazingly adaptable tool: http://www.veritastools.com/Products/Page.aspx?p=152

  2. Never saw that, that is a cool idea, but i never had problems to do the samw with straight dovels and drills.


  3. Hey Pedder, I have the plastic version of that. It works well, especially if you have trouble getting a good hook freehand. It's not quite as fast as freehand, but it works well. I think you should use it.
