23. Oktober 2016

packing for the extravaganza*

 Heading for North Denmark. Pcking for Jonas' and Brian's Chairbuilding Extravaganza*
Maybe, I should have visited a toolchest extravaganza* before. But I didn't and so this second hand buy will do the job.

*What this word means? I've no idea, but it sounds cool.

3 Kommentare:

  1. I feel privileged to have such a sneak peek but I don't understand the incongruity of the ear protection in amongst the handtools. Do you handsaw so loudly?

  2. First of alle it protects the saw during the journey. :o)
    But I fear we will use some tailed devil preparing the wood.

    And yes I love the silence ear protecting gives me through the day.


  3. That looks like a good time in Denmark.
    Hope to read from your extravaganza*
    *Stands for spectacular entertainment I think

